Drop It Review

Oh Dexterity games – how I love thee. Strategy means nothing if you don’t have the physical coordination/reflexes to back it up! Gone are the days of being outsmarted by my opponents, because a little physical luck at juuuuust the right time can change the entire game.

Drop It (2018)KOSMOS
2-4 Players30 minutes
Ages 8+BGG Weight – 1.14 / 5

Did you ever play Connect 4? Who am I kidding, of course you probably did. Drop It is essentially an abstract version of Connect 4. In Drop It, players take turns dropping their pieces into the slot board in an effort to amass the most points. Each player has a set number of pieces in their specific color, and in various shapes. The rules of Drop It are simple – pick a piece and drop it (roll credits) into the board. You earn points for the highest level that your piece crosses into, as well as bonus points for touching various smaller areas across the board. Sounds easy enough, right? Well here’s the tricky part. If your piece touches another one of your pieces, even if by just a hair, it earns you no points. Similarly, if your piece touches another piece of the same shape (regardless of color), you earn no points as well. AND on top of that, certain areas along the bottom and sides of the board are colored and are not allowed to be touched by their corresponding colored pieces. If a piece touches one of those forbidden zones, then that player earns (you guessed it) no points. So all in all, not as simple a game as it looks, is it? The player at the end of the game with the most points is the winner!

Man, Drop It is a neat little game. When I first heard of it, I thought it would be the easiest game on the planet. But boy oh boy was I wrong. Although I’d say this game is primarily one of dexterity (and luck), there is definitely quite a bit of strategy involved. Because there are several placement restrictions, you have to be careful about which pieces you play at what times. The circles roll around on pretty much anything, so do you risk dropping one when it might just roll onto your square and negate those points? Can you drop your trapezoid at the right angle to have it span two other pieces and miss landing on yours in the middle? All while making sure it doesn’t hit the left side of the board here? It is way more strategic than meets the eye, and I love that. It keeps me engaged the entire game, and it elevates the game to a higher level than just simple dexterity.

Whatever strategy you choose must involve your opponents as well. Even though there is no real player interaction in Drop It, you’ve got to keep an eye on your opponents and which pieces they play at what times. If another player just dropped their square right in the middle of the board, you probably should not drop your square right now. Unless you don’t want points. Then by all means, drop your square right on top of that sucker. Are you able to keep a variety of shapes throughout the game, or will you get cornered for several turns because all you have left are your circles? You’re not only thinking of your strategy, but that of your opponents as well.

One other thing that I love about Drop It is that once a piece is scored, it is out of your mind. What I mean is that in some cases, dropping a piece causes those underneath to shift. You only score the piece that was just dropped – regardless of how it moved any pieces underneath. That definitely helps to keep the game moving because you are not having to constantly go back and re-score any shifted pieces. That would just be brutal.

Overall, I really like Drop It. It’s not one that I personally own, but it definitely is on my Wish List after having played it. It’s the perfect little filler game for in-between some meatier games. Although it requires strategy, the dexterity aspect of the game makes it more light-hearted, fun, and fast to play! Purple Phoenix Games is dropping a score of 14 / 18 for this little gem.