Koala Capers Kids Table

The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules…

Koala Capers (2013)Educational Insights
2-4 Players5-10 minutes (unofficially)
Ages 3+BGG Weight – (not yet available)

Koala Capers is a silly dice and pattern recognition game that kids way younger than 3 years old can play; I have played it with my 2 year old – for like 5 minutes.

The game comes in a non-conforming, but fun, box that we used as a dice tray. You roll the dice, try to find an outfit card that matches what you rolled and place the new outfit on your koala card (the one shown below is currently naked). If you roll underpants, you make your koala naked and try again. If you roll a star it’s wild and you can choose any outfit you like.

This is an easy winner. It has very few components, very few rules, and has lots of silliness in it – especially when you roll the undies. Kids love when adults lose. My boy really likes it, and it has been his first choice from his small collection lately.

Give it a try if you want to introduce your children or family into dice rolling, customizing characters, light set collection, learning patterns, and also possibly having to reconstruct after rolling poorly. We like it a lot, for what it is.