Monkey Around Kids Table

The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules…

Monkey Around (2017)Peaceable Kingdom
Like, a ton of playersProbably 10 minutes or less
Ages 2+BGG Weight – it’s not even on BGG

Monkey Around is basically Kids’ Quelf. Never played Quelf? Meh, it’s okay if you are part of a silly group that will do anything asked of them. This game is similar in that you draw a circular card, and simply do what it asks you to do. As adults, some of the requests might be strange, but to a child, it’s all just silly fun. Many times you are asked to use the included stuffed banana in your tricks. Examples: lie on the floor with the banana on your belly button. Or: walk around the room while balancing the banana on your head. It’s silly.

I play this with my 3 year old boy and we have a great time with it. He is learning balance, improvisation, following instructions, motor skills, and interaction with others. It may make you feel silly but that’s what kids love, man. Just play this with your kids and have a really great time with zero pressure. Drop the banana? Oh well, try again with a different card. They will be cracking up and you will be strengthening that bond with your kids and fostering the love of board games early.