My Little Scythe: Pie in the Sky Expansion

In the expansion review series, we take a look at a game expansion to discuss whether it is a necessary purchase/addition to one’s collection.

This breakdown is for the fantasy exploration pickup-and-deliver game My Little Scythe‘s expansion Pie in the Sky.

This expansion adds two new character factions: Foxland and the Owls from the Academy of Magic. It also includes a larger airship mini, airship mats to be added to player mats from the base game, airship gadget tokens, and some new cards and tiles as well. The main components are the new factions and the airship.

The airship is a shared resource that can be moved by any player and offers cargo holds to factions and the ability to retrieve resources from the board for players and use unique faction airship abilities. Cargo holds are interesting for player use because they can hold any amount of resources (apples or gems) and can be spent from the cargo hold at any time and does not require the airship to be on the same space as the player. The unique airship abilities truly are unique and can offer some incredible benefits as the game progresses. Plus the airship is purple, so that’s also a plus.

My Little Scythe is one of my favorite games of all time. I love every little bit of it and, in my opinion, is the best Stonemaier Games production out there. For me, as an avid fan of the base game, I feel like this expansion adds a bit of variability that the base didn’t necessarily need, but I am enjoying using it in my plays. I especially love the airship and what it gives to the players. Being able to use (and abuse) the cargo holds on the airship is worth the price of admission. Adding the two new factions (with the owls being orange, a big plus) are also very appreciated. When an expansion can add more value to a game instead of simply adding extra fluff, it is a good expansion.

Official recommendation: My Little Scythe is an amazing game on its own, even though it is based on the darker-themed Scythe game from the same publisher. This expansion certainly is not at all necessary, so do not feel it is a must-buy at this point. If you are an avid fan of MLS base game and are looking for something extra to boost the game and add in new components and rules, then certainly grab a copy of Pie in the Sky. Hopefully there is plenty of stock when this review is published.