Tag: 1p

April 7, 2023 /

When it comes to games, there are several things that draw me in. For starters, artwork. If a game has artwork that immediately draws me in, I am sold. And obviously, theme of a game is a major element as well. So when Grand Gamers Guild reached out to me…

February 13, 2023 /

According to Merriam-Webster, the word ‘hangry’ means irritable or angry because of hunger. And I’ll be the first to admit that I get hangry quite easily. And my patience can wear pretty pretty thin when I am hangry. So I can absolutely relate to Gurth the Odious in this new…

February 1, 2023 /

As January comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to break out the latest game in the Holiday Hijinks series from Grand Gamers Guild – The Groundhog Gambit! Yes, they are bringing us yet another 18-card escape room game just in time for the not-as-popular holiday, Groundhog’s Day. This…

November 13, 2022 /

I absolutely love it when designers and publishers contact me about reviewing their work. Yes, it provides a sense of accomplishment that a little group of reviewers who spend very little money on this endeavor can be recognized enough for their efforts for someone to seek out, but also because…

October 27, 2022 /

I live in Tennessee now, but I did not always. I used to live in Illinois. I have never been to London, nor any part of the United Kingdom. I was hoping that I would still be able to enjoy a game based on the Underground metro that runs beneath…

August 26, 2022 /

We haven’t had a Golden Feather winner in quite some time, but Cascadia has done it! This tile-laying, token-drafting spatial puzzle impressed both Travis and me from our very first play. The artwork alone makes it fun to have on the table, and the strategy offered within is what takes…

August 17, 2022 /

I tend not to get involved in politics of any kind. This includes my favorite hobby. Now, I can see how one might be led to believe that Lucky Duck Games is a one-trick pony with their hybrid board games with app assistance. I must admit, at first I was…

August 2, 2022 /

Okay, what is happening here? Why is it that every game I play that has a super cute theme ends up being way more thinky than I expected it would be? Am I losing my mind? Probably, but I also need to realize that just because it looks like a…

July 26, 2022 /

Y’all have a favorite sport? Or couple of sports? What about a least favorite sport? My favorites are hands-down baseball and football (Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears, respectively). My least favorite sport? Soccer. However, when I was asked to preview Soccer Duel from FireStorm Labs, I just had to say…

April 30, 2022 /

One cool thing about the board gaming hobby is getting to experience so many different types of games! That being said, sometimes you get yourself a game and it doesn’t turn out quite how you expected. So instead of letting it take up space on your shelf, you can sell…

March 22, 2022 /

I am a big fan of fantasy. I love theories of how people believe the future will look, and one such common theme is that of terraforming and finding new places to pioneer. Now, I am obviously no scientist, so the logistics of actual terraforming or exploring foreign planets/systems are…

March 9, 2022 /

Boy, we have some crazy ideas when it comes to what the world will look like in the future. Flying cars? Probably. Robot house butlers? Maybe. Mutant fighters that can be formed immediately and placed into battle seconds after “birth?” Now, that’s a stretch. But, embrace the stretch here, because…

March 7, 2022 /

One thing that has grown in popularity over the recent years are Escape Rooms. You know, where you’re physically trapped inside a room and have to solve various puzzles, crack codes, and beat the clock in an effort to get out before it’s game over. It should come as no…

February 28, 2022 /

I love playing games with other people. Absolutely LOVE it. However, I also love playing games solo as well. When a game comes along that is specifically designed for solo play only, I tend to like them more than multiplayer games that include a solo mode. Also included here are…

February 18, 2022 /

I came across Sinister Fish Games back when they launched their Kickstarter for Villagers. The promise of set collection and card drafting drew me in, and the stellar gameplay keeps me coming back for more! So when I saw that Sinister Fish was launching another game, I knew I had…