Tag: 2p

February 1, 2023 /

As January comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to break out the latest game in the Holiday Hijinks series from Grand Gamers Guild – The Groundhog Gambit! Yes, they are bringing us yet another 18-card escape room game just in time for the not-as-popular holiday, Groundhog’s Day. This…

January 27, 2023 /

A while ago I backed a game on Kickstarter called Micro Dojo. I loved it so much that when the expansion hit Kickstarter, I knew I had to have it. And then one day in an update, Prometheus Game Labs mentions another game they’ve got in the works, and that…

January 20, 2023 /

The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules… This game comes to us with a unique twist –…

January 5, 2023 /

As I’ve gotten older, one thing that I have really become a fan of are podcasts. I listen to quite a few now, but the first one I ever listened to was The Adventure Zone. Travis turned me on to this actual-play DnD podcast and I was hooked from episode…

November 13, 2022 /

I absolutely love it when designers and publishers contact me about reviewing their work. Yes, it provides a sense of accomplishment that a little group of reviewers who spend very little money on this endeavor can be recognized enough for their efforts for someone to seek out, but also because…

October 27, 2022 /

I live in Tennessee now, but I did not always. I used to live in Illinois. I have never been to London, nor any part of the United Kingdom. I was hoping that I would still be able to enjoy a game based on the Underground metro that runs beneath…

October 15, 2022 /

Y’all ever play Clue/Cluedo? What about Guess Who? Well combine those and you’ve got yourself a really crappy version of Museum Suspects. So not exactly a direct mashup, but Museum Suspects has very familiar feelings and mechanics to those mentioned above. However, Museum Suspects takes the best parts of those…

October 5, 2022 /

Sardines, man. I’m going to be honest – I didn’t expect any designer or publisher to choose sardines as a game theme. I suppose I can name a fair amount of games using a food-based theme, but individual ingredients? I’m not so sure. Perhaps this is because I have never…

September 6, 2022 /

I don’t know how many times I have said this in reviews, but Sherlock Holmes is one theme I will probably never tire of in board games. This still holds true to this day, and I have played some absolutely wonderful games highlighting the theme. Conversely, I have played some…

August 26, 2022 /

We haven’t had a Golden Feather winner in quite some time, but Cascadia has done it! This tile-laying, token-drafting spatial puzzle impressed both Travis and me from our very first play. The artwork alone makes it fun to have on the table, and the strategy offered within is what takes…

August 17, 2022 /

I tend not to get involved in politics of any kind. This includes my favorite hobby. Now, I can see how one might be led to believe that Lucky Duck Games is a one-trick pony with their hybrid board games with app assistance. I must admit, at first I was…

August 12, 2022 /

I have come to many conclusions as I age. One. I actually will NOT stay young and spry forever. Two. People definitely can change over time. Three. I would be okay at creating planets if creating planets was EXACTLY like playing the game Planet. As I unfortunately wasn’t around to…

August 4, 2022 /

One of my favorite things about moonlighting as a board game reviewer is that I have the opportunity to have excellent relationships with other reviewers, designers, publishers, and gamers of all types. One such relationship is with Blue Orange Games. We have always been a fan of their games from…

August 2, 2022 /

Okay, what is happening here? Why is it that every game I play that has a super cute theme ends up being way more thinky than I expected it would be? Am I losing my mind? Probably, but I also need to realize that just because it looks like a…

July 28, 2022 /

I know, I know. ANOTHER pirate game? Yep! Some may feel that this theme is overdone. They would be quite wrong. There are so many themes in board games I thoroughly enjoy and of which I will never tire: pirates, Sherlock Holmes, fantasy, music, Disney, and absolutely no theme at…