Tag: book

November 13, 2022 /

I absolutely love it when designers and publishers contact me about reviewing their work. Yes, it provides a sense of accomplishment that a little group of reviewers who spend very little money on this endeavor can be recognized enough for their efforts for someone to seek out, but also because…

February 21, 2022 /

A while ago, Travis previewed a game entitled Tiny Library. The premise of the game? A deck of cards, where each card details a stand-alone RPG. Every card is designed by different creators, and the gameplay, themes, components, and rules are all vastly different. So when I saw that Long…

July 22, 2021 /

The overall story is not unfamiliar. Scientists create a genetically-modified creature to help solve a global problem, creature is somehow mutated through radioactive exposure, creature poses a threat to mankind, mankind must eliminate the creature. Now take that monster to space and BAM – we’ve got the origins on Space…