Tag: exploration

November 9, 2023 /

As a member of the Guild of Merchant Explorers, your life is full of adventure! But your real journey is only now about to begin. The Queen has sent a message to the Guild, asking all its members to voyage to the corners of the realm, creating new villages, establishing…

March 18, 2022 /

I enjoy going to my FLGS simply to just look at games. I may not have an intention to necessarily buy one each trip, but I love seeing all the different box art, titles, themes, and more. In several stores that I have visited, I always saw copies of Tikal…

January 28, 2022 /

I can recall so many instances of my board game purchases being based on either the designer, artist, or publisher. Surely I am not alone here. Josh will probably always be a Stonemaier Games fanboy. Laura has aligned herself with Daily Magic Games and Button Shy Games. While I am…

January 12, 2022 /

The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules… Kids Chronicles: Quest of the Moon Stones (2021) Lucky Duck…

October 12, 2021 /

I have often wished to have been born in a different era of time. For me, I would have loved to have seen the birth of jazz in the US early 20th century. Or to witness the Renaissance first-hand. Another wish of mine was always to somehow discover something amazing.…

September 27, 2021 /

Have you ever had one of those days where simply NOTHING goes your way? I feel like this often, but I cannot fathom how some people just get into trouble on the regular… like, daily. Imagine if you were in a heap of trouble one day, found yourself sanctuary, only…

September 24, 2021 /

I mean, who WOULDN’T be frightened out of their undies when one of their traveling mates just suddenly becomes… something else… and chases them through a very odd forest? But yet, here is where we now play. In a vast forest with danger around every curve, and a horrific presence…

August 25, 2021 /

So many storytellers have attempted to predict, or at least depict, the future of humanity. Many assert that a cataclysmic event will trigger some dark post-apocalyptic culture of humanity’s last breath on Earth. Others would have us fleeing to the stars to colonize and begin our species anew. But what…

July 22, 2021 /

The overall story is not unfamiliar. Scientists create a genetically-modified creature to help solve a global problem, creature is somehow mutated through radioactive exposure, creature poses a threat to mankind, mankind must eliminate the creature. Now take that monster to space and BAM – we’ve got the origins on Space…

July 5, 2021 /

Check out that cover art! Amazing! If there is one thing that will certainly help my enjoyment of any game, it is definitely great art and components. Yes, I want the game to play well, but if it also looks great, that merely sends it soaring for me. While Soul…

June 23, 2021 /

YES! More adventuring games! I do love adventure games. Relic Runners has players, well, running all over the board searching for, well, relics to add to their collections to bring back to their homelands and become renowned elite adventuristas! One of my wife’s favorite games, a Days of Wonder title,…

June 17, 2021 /

I have always wanted to be an explorer. Not that I ever really would: I hate sweating, I need at least daily showers, I’m allergic to all the poison plants, and honestly, walking all that way in boots seems like such a drag. BUT! I will play games about exploring…

February 22, 2021 /

I would consider myself somewhat of a world traveler. I haven’t quite visited as many places as I would like, and certain worldwide pandemics have prevented me from scheduling any international travel plans. My family and I enjoy cruises and visiting all sorts of different countries. Now, Buru has never…

February 7, 2021 /

If you are reading this review, chances are you have heard something about the board game “Lost Ruins of Arnak.”  If not, continue forward, as there’s a lot to discover in this jungle adventure experience.  “Lost Ruins of Arnak” for those that have not already been exposed to the exciting…

January 29, 2021 /

So I am going to cut right to the chase here. I am from the Quad Cities, the area of Iowa and Illinois where the Mississippi River flows East-West instead of its normal North-South. Admittedly, the name given to the area is the Greater Quad City Area and includes around…