Tag: set collection

December 10, 2021 /

I don’t know about you, but half the battle when choosing what game to play all comes down to the player count. Lots of games say that they can be played with 2-4 players, but sometimes the 2-player gameplay is lacking. So when I came across Duelosaur Island, a 2-player…

December 6, 2021 /

As you know, the world of board games is quite vast – there are so many games out there, I feel like I can barely keep up! So oftentimes when I come across a game, it’s not necessarily a new one. Enter Tides of Madness. It maaaay sound familiar, and…

November 24, 2021 /

So it was one of those days when I was checking my email and noticed something odd. I had a random tracking number sitting in my inbox for a game arriving soon. I didn’t recall requesting this game, so why was I having one shipped? A mystery still to this…

November 22, 2021 /

When it comes to game mechanics, set collection is my JAM. Auction/bidding and push your luck, not so much….. So when Alderac Entertainment Group brought TEN into my life, I was a bit wary at first. A game of collecting sequences/sets of numbers? Awesome!! Add in bidding for Wildcards or…

November 15, 2021 /

Christmastime. No longer strictly a Christian holiday, but yet a staple in American (and global) holiday traditions. The holiday designed to give gifts to loved ones, and send messages of love and hope to the world. This is exactly what they WANT you to think! We all know that Christmas…

November 10, 2021 /

One neat thing about the board gaming hobby is how many new games are designed/created daily. So much innovation, creativity, and hype surrounds new releases and helps keep us gamers hooked! That being said, what happens to older games as time goes on? Can they still hold their own over…

November 1, 2021 /

What does “elegant design” mean to you? For me, it is a game that has been well-fleshed out and the rules, components, and mechanics are not over-fluffed. I hear and see so many games being described as having elegant design, and I sit and ponder sometimes because I have played…

October 29, 2021 /

When choosing board games to either play or purchase, how much importance should one put on box cover art? It is important to ME, but I lump that all in with the components and art/art style of the whole package. Why do I bring this up in the intro today?…

October 25, 2021 /

The original 7 Wonders was my #1 game of all time for a long while. While it has since dropped off my Top 10, I still have so many fond memories of it. Now, I know I am not breaking any stories here by finally reviewing its 2-player successor, but…

October 8, 2021 /

Picture this – it’s a nice sunny day, playing at a park or going on a hike, and you find a shady spot to sit down and eat a picnic lunch. As you enjoy your meal, so do a handful of other creatures…..ants! A couple of crumbs here or there…

October 6, 2021 /

When we decided to start this board game review group, coming up with a name was definitely a challenge. We threw out so many ideas, my head was spinning with the possibilities! In our name search, someone suggested Purple Phoenix Games. It sounds cool, we all like the color purple,…

October 5, 2021 /

Ancient Medieval books. We all love ’em, right? Full of bright beautiful pictures of angels fighting demons, knights fighting dragons, dogs fighting squirrels(?), and monks fighting armed bunnies?? Hey, what’s going on here? Okay, I have played enough Alf Seegert games to know that everything comes with a hint of…

October 4, 2021 /

I am not a sinless man. In fact, it’s been years since I’ve been to confession, and at this point I’m afraid I would be there for hours just spilling the beans. I know many pious people, but alas, I am not one. However, I do appreciate those that attempt…

September 30, 2021 /

Have you got some stiffs in your gaming group? Do you introduce lots of new gamers to the hobby? Are you looking to get up off the table every once in a while and just play something wacky? Well, I may have the answer for you here. I am a…

September 21, 2021 /

I don’t know about you, but one of my guilty pleasures is monster movies. Godzilla, King Kong, even the Jurassic Park franchise – if there are giant creatures terrorizing the world, chances are I’m going to love it. So when I heard of Terror in Meeple City (formerly known as…