Tag: variable powers

July 28, 2022 /

I know, I know. ANOTHER pirate game? Yep! Some may feel that this theme is overdone. They would be quite wrong. There are so many themes in board games I thoroughly enjoy and of which I will never tire: pirates, Sherlock Holmes, fantasy, music, Disney, and absolutely no theme at…

April 30, 2022 /

One cool thing about the board gaming hobby is getting to experience so many different types of games! That being said, sometimes you get yourself a game and it doesn’t turn out quite how you expected. So instead of letting it take up space on your shelf, you can sell…

April 8, 2022 /

I’ve mentioned before that Travis and I are currently playing a D&D campaign with another friend. I’m the DM and those two dudes are my ever-entertaining party. The adventure we’re running at the moment is Dungeon of the Mad Mage, which takes place in Undermountain. So imagine my surprise whilst…

March 9, 2022 /

Boy, we have some crazy ideas when it comes to what the world will look like in the future. Flying cars? Probably. Robot house butlers? Maybe. Mutant fighters that can be formed immediately and placed into battle seconds after “birth?” Now, that’s a stretch. But, embrace the stretch here, because…

February 18, 2022 /

I came across Sinister Fish Games back when they launched their Kickstarter for Villagers. The promise of set collection and card drafting drew me in, and the stellar gameplay keeps me coming back for more! So when I saw that Sinister Fish was launching another game, I knew I had…

February 14, 2022 /

Replayability is always something I consider when deciding whether or not to purchase a game. And as much as I like Unlock! puzzles or Exit games, the fact that they are a one-and-done play is a bummer. So when I was perusing the game store and saw a game that…

December 29, 2021 /

It’s no secret that we at Purple Phoenix Games are fans of the Tiny Epic series. But one that had evaded our reviews until this point was Tiny Epic Western. Admittedly, this one has been sitting on my shelf of shame for quite some time, so I finally decided it…

December 15, 2021 /

In the expansion review series, we take a look at a game expansion to discuss whether it is a necessary purchase/addition to one’s collection. This breakdown is for the Maps expansion for the game Tiny Epic Tactics. The Maps expansion for Tiny Epic Tactics offers players of the game 2…

December 1, 2021 /

If there is a mechanic that we at Purple Phoenix Games seem to really love, it is card drafting. One such game that has been a big hit for us (well, at least for 3 of us….) is 7 Wonders. Draft a card, pass the rest to your neighbor, draft…

November 17, 2021 /

I have reviewed and previewed the base Chronicles of Crime, and each of the entries in the Millennium Series (1400, 1900, and now 2400). I have the Noir expansion coming in my next order from an online retailer once another title gets off the pre-order list, and will most likely…

November 8, 2021 /

You know how you are just browsing BGG and come across some surprising statistics? For example, if you click on a ranking number on a game’s profile page, it will take you to the entire list of games including that search term. I do not believe I had checked on…

November 5, 2021 /

What is the thing that first draws you into a game? Is it talk of the gameplay and mechanics? Maybe you’ve had a good experience with the designer? Or perhaps the artwork is what catches your eye? For me, I’ve gotta say it’s not only the artwork, but the components…

November 2, 2021 /

As a kid, one thing my siblings and I used to do was play a storytelling game in which we created a (usually) hilarious story, one word at a time. You know the kind. One person starts the sentence with a single word, the next person in line adds a…

October 29, 2021 /

When choosing board games to either play or purchase, how much importance should one put on box cover art? It is important to ME, but I lump that all in with the components and art/art style of the whole package. Why do I bring this up in the intro today?…

October 15, 2021 /

Say what you will about social media, but all these different platforms have really allowed Purple Phoenix Games to grow into something pretty special. We get to share our love of games with everyone, and we get to communicate with fellow designers, publishers, and all-around board game enthusiasts! And that’s…