That Snow Moon Review

Many years ago, in a star system located quite a long ways away from our own…… Remind you of a wildly successful fantasy film series involving laser swords, telekinetic powers, and space travel? That snow coincidence. Ha! See what I did there?

That Snow Moon (2017)Button Shy Games
2-4 Players10-15 minutes
Ages (not yet available)BGG Weight – (not yet available)

That Snow Moon is a card game of dexterity, mixed with some bluffing. Players are divided between two ‘teams’ – the Liberation (good guys) and the Dynasty (bad guys). The goals are simple. The Liberation is trying to assemble a set of plans to be used in the destruction of the Snow Moon. The Dynasty is trying to destroy the Liberation base and stop them from acquiring those plans. I don’t know about you, but if they turned this into a movie, I would probably watch it.

Here’s the kicker though – you don’t simply PLAY cards in this game. You toss/drop them. Yep, you read that right. In this game, you throw cards. Each team takes turns tossing cards into the play area, in hopes of creating clusters of touching cards that activate powers to aid in the completion of their respective goals. Bluffing comes into play because Liberation cards can be played face-down, and remain that way until exposed by a Dynasty card. Can you trick the Dynasty into revealing a card whose power you want to use, or will they see through your ruse and expose and eliminate your more powerful cards? On the flip side, can you foil the plans of the rebellious Liberation, or will they be sly enough to avoid detection? The final fate of your galaxy is up in the air – literally.

The premise of this game sounded really cool to me, but when I actually got to play it, it was quite….underwhelming. In theory, tossing cards puts a unique twist on the standard card game. But the unpredictability of actually tossing/dropping cards makes this game way more luck-driven than strategic to me. It should be noted that we have a PnP of this game – sleeved and with regular playing cards added to beef up the cards. Maybe if we had a retail version, the cards would be easier to manipulate? I’m not sure. At times it just felt futile to try to strategize certain tosses because they cards are going to fall where they may. The actual gameplay is a little bland too – it feels like it’s missing something. Maybe adding more action options or more complex/powerful card powers would up the ante a little bit. The game, as is, just kind of feels like 16-Card-Pick-Up to me.

As a huge fan of the brand-name muse of this game, That Snow Moon fell flat for me. It feels a little too simple, yet wildly unpredictable at the same time. Is it a game I’d pull out to play again? I don’t know – maybe? It’s not high on my list. That snow joke, Purple Phoenix Games gives it a disappointing 9 / 18.