Pancake Monster Game Kids Table

The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules…

Pancake Monster Game (2021)Blue Orange Games
2-4 Players5 minutes
Ages 3+BGG Weight – (not yet available)

If there is one thing I know about monsters, it’s that they love eating pancakes! And dirty laundry!! Wait, what? Since when?? Well, I know THIS monster loves eating both pancakes and dirty laundry, so let’s see how much we can feed it before it jumps up to eat US!

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. For more information, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS.  -T

The Pancake Monster Game is a silly, well, activity for kids of all ages. In it, players are just pressing their luck to see who can stuff the monster full of pancakes before he jumps up and takes a bite of them (not a real bite, this is completely harmless, save for the jump-scare factor).

Follow the instruction sheet for initial setup and contraption mechanism functions. Spring load the monster into the bear-trap-like mechanism, pass out the pancake cards equally among the players and the game can begin!

Each player will choose one of their pancake cards randomly, look at the picture of toppings, and then press the gullet button that many times. For example, if the pancake shows two strawberries, the player will place the pancake card on the tongue (I assume) plate, and press it down twice. This enacts a gear that will randomly trip the trap and spring loose the monster at the unsuspecting player. This player has now lost… an arm. Kidding! All the other players merely laugh and laugh and then setup for another round. That’s it!

This game is a simple press-your-luck game that institutes very simple counting skills, and is mostly geared toward the very young gamers in our lives. Shown below I am playing it with my 2-year-old little girl who absolutely loves it! The counting aspect isn’t at all difficult, and the most challenging part is getting the little ones to press the tongue platform hard enough to turn the gear. Once they figure out how to make it work, the game part goes out the window and it just becomes a game of Who-Can-Actually-Make-the-Monster-Jump.

Blue Orange Games is totally infiltrating my collection with their vast catalog for gamers of ALL ages and skill levels. It really is something to witness! Now, this game isn’t necessarily one that will get lots and lots of plays, but it is good for a fun few minutes (or more, depending on how many times in a row your youngsters wish to play it). If this sounds in line with your play style and would be interesting to check out, grab one here.