Tag: deck building

March 22, 2022 /

I am a big fan of fantasy. I love theories of how people believe the future will look, and one such common theme is that of terraforming and finding new places to pioneer. Now, I am obviously no scientist, so the logistics of actual terraforming or exploring foreign planets/systems are…

March 17, 2022 /

Let me tell you a story about how I came to own Cubitos. My FLGS, which since moving to Tennessee is an hour away in Knoxville (Sci-Fi City), had great stock of this game a couple months ago. I would step in, browse around, and pass on picking up a…

March 11, 2022 /

A couple of months ago, Travis was in town, so he and I went over to Josh’s place to get a day of gaming in. It was an awesome time to play together, and to get to experience some new games for each of us. While we were there, we…

March 9, 2022 /

Boy, we have some crazy ideas when it comes to what the world will look like in the future. Flying cars? Probably. Robot house butlers? Maybe. Mutant fighters that can be formed immediately and placed into battle seconds after “birth?” Now, that’s a stretch. But, embrace the stretch here, because…

January 3, 2022 /

As you’ve read in our previous reviews, we are BIG fans of the Valeria-verse games. Whether we have to recruit adventurers for quests, build a thriving village, or traverse the lands to protect its people from various Monsters, we are all about this realm. For this newest installation in the…

November 27, 2021 /

As I’ve said many times before – I am a HUGE fan of the Valeria-verse from Daily Magic Games. From the OG Valeria Card Kingdoms, to even the small dice game Corsairs of Valeria, the world, lore, and gameplay have me hooked. So when I saw a Kickstarter for a…

October 15, 2021 /

Say what you will about social media, but all these different platforms have really allowed Purple Phoenix Games to grow into something pretty special. We get to share our love of games with everyone, and we get to communicate with fellow designers, publishers, and all-around board game enthusiasts! And that’s…

July 30, 2021 /

Ahh yes, Fantastiqa. Another to add to the list of, “I once owned, then I got rid of it, then missed it so much I had to reacquire it.” My wife loves when I do that… In any case, Fantastiqa gives players a very strange slant on deck building adventure…

July 27, 2021 /

I don’t know about you, but I love getting a new game. Unboxing it, punching tokens, reading the rules – it’s so satisfying! Now after that fun is done comes my dilemma: where to put it on my shelves… I know I’m not the only one that runs into this…

July 26, 2021 /

One activity my 5-year-old son will never tire of: building forts. Mostly pillow/blanket-based, but all I am doing is grooming him for an eventual treehouse fort of his own in the backyard someday. What an excellent theme for a game, and when I had a chance to speak with Brooke…

July 15, 2021 /

I feel like I try to open pirate-themed games with silly faux pirate talk and it’s getting old. So I won’t do that this time. What I will do is start by saying we reviewed another Forbidden Games title (Raccoon Tycoon) to very high praise, so we expect nothing but…

July 5, 2021 /

Check out that cover art! Amazing! If there is one thing that will certainly help my enjoyment of any game, it is definitely great art and components. Yes, I want the game to play well, but if it also looks great, that merely sends it soaring for me. While Soul…

February 7, 2021 /

If you are reading this review, chances are you have heard something about the board game “Lost Ruins of Arnak.”  If not, continue forward, as there’s a lot to discover in this jungle adventure experience.  “Lost Ruins of Arnak” for those that have not already been exposed to the exciting…

January 25, 2021 /

What would you say if I told you I completely expected a game I received to fall completely flat for me but instead may actually unseat a revered similar game from my Top 10 list of games? That would be surprising, right? Well such is life, and such is this…

January 22, 2021 /

The Tournament of Champions is coming! The Tournament of Champions is coming! The bravest fighters must prepare themselves to face-off in a three-round arena match to determine the ultimate warrior. There is no time to waste learning finishing moves here. Combatants will only have three rounds to prove they are…