Tag: hand

May 8, 2024 /

You have no doubt heard the saying, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone,” right? A lost love, a great job, heck even that one sweet car you shouldn’t have traded. But of course, “Hindsight is 20/20.” But what’s the opposite of all that? You don’t know what…

March 13, 2024 /

I have a disease called “wanderlust” that keeps me wanting to visit different areas of the world. One such area is the beautiful and ancient lands of Asia. My father has traveled to certain Asian countries and has told of amazing buildings, culture, and people. I know very little of…

November 29, 2023 /

A while back, I was introduced to Cryptid and really enjoyed it. Trying to deduce your opponents’ clues while not giving away too much information about your own? Racing to find the location of the Cryptid through pattern recognition and strategy? It’s an overall *chef’s kiss* from me. So when…

November 1, 2023 /

You know how some games have components that look good enough to eat? Sometimes the game components are food-themed, like the oranges in Tidal Blades, or the coconuts in Coconuts, or simply has delicious-looking components, like the berries in Everdell. So when this little beauty of a game slipped into…

September 4, 2023 /

I had the opportunity this year to go to GenCon for the first time ever! It was an amazing experience, and I cannot wait to go back again next year! In my time with Purple Phoenix Games, I have made connections with several publishers, including Grand Gamers Guild. So when…

June 26, 2023 /

Having been in the board game world for several years now, I see the same themes for games used over and over again. Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but it happens. So when I come across a game with a unique theme that I’ve never seen before, I…

April 7, 2023 /

When it comes to games, there are several things that draw me in. For starters, artwork. If a game has artwork that immediately draws me in, I am sold. And obviously, theme of a game is a major element as well. So when Grand Gamers Guild reached out to me…

January 27, 2023 /

A while ago I backed a game on Kickstarter called Micro Dojo. I loved it so much that when the expansion hit Kickstarter, I knew I had to have it. And then one day in an update, Prometheus Game Labs mentions another game they’ve got in the works, and that…

September 28, 2022 /

All throughout time there have been bosses and underlings. The bosses are in charge and make decisions while the underlings perform tasks in support of those decisions. It works this way in modern offices, with bees in the hive, and apparently also with ancient cave-dwellers and their clan Elders. Prehistories…

August 2, 2022 /

Okay, what is happening here? Why is it that every game I play that has a super cute theme ends up being way more thinky than I expected it would be? Am I losing my mind? Probably, but I also need to realize that just because it looks like a…

April 16, 2022 /

I absolutely love a beautiful game. Being a gamer, I have seen and played many gorgeous games. However, the first time I set up Holi: Festival of Colors (just Holi from here), both my 5 year old son and my slightly older mother-in-law both commented on how awesome it looked…

March 30, 2022 /

A magical bakery in a forest co-owned by a quirky board game loving contestant on The Great British Bake Off? If there was ever a game specifically designed for my wife, this is it. She loves baking, cute card games, and that super-famous show (she was always a fan of…

March 28, 2022 /

I don’t know about you, but I have always been fascinated by Russian nesting dolls, known as Matryoshka dolls. Something about opening the outer-most doll and finding an exact replica, but smaller, just brings me so much joy and satisfaction. I could play with them all day. So whilst perusing…

March 22, 2022 /

I am a big fan of fantasy. I love theories of how people believe the future will look, and one such common theme is that of terraforming and finding new places to pioneer. Now, I am obviously no scientist, so the logistics of actual terraforming or exploring foreign planets/systems are…

March 11, 2022 /

A couple of months ago, Travis was in town, so he and I went over to Josh’s place to get a day of gaming in. It was an awesome time to play together, and to get to experience some new games for each of us. While we were there, we…